Cadillac Car Show Board

The Best Car Show Boards

If you put a gun to my head and asked me what is the best car show board that I've ever made, I would start by trying everything I could to come up with a very politician like answer. But as you pulled the hammer back, I would start to explain how the best car show boards, in my opinion, share the story of the car, and it's owner.  A car or truck is a vehicle, not really to get from point A to point B, but taking us along the journey of life.  That's why we're so enthatuated with cars... because most of the places we've been, and the people we've met, involve a car in some way.

That leads me to my favorite car show board, the one for my 1998 Dodge Dakota, because it is indeed my favorite car!  It may not have everything you want in a dream car, but it's so important to me, and this business that it's become the figurehead of who I am.  It's THE show board, the one I made for myself, took it with me to different shows to show what I could do for other car owners, and ultimately became a business!  So it's still my favorite car show board, and probably will be forever!

Dodge Dakota Show Board

As far as the best car show board... that again is the one that tells the story of the car.  When you're able to connect with someone else with a story, well thats when the emotions really start flowing.  The idea that the car can do more than get us from one place to the next is something that separates the real car people from the rest.  A notion that a car can be an expression of who we are, where we want to go, and sometimes how fast we want to get there... it's why we're proud to be gearheads!!

Ford F1 Car Show BoardVolkswagen Show BoardMercury Car Show Board

I make about 500 show boards a year, so there's a lot to choose from if I had to choose.  But its rarely the engine specs or the paint color that make a car unique. It's really the stories of the cars that make me fall in love with them.  They're all my children... made with my passion with cars, packed up with maybe a little too much packing foam, and shipped to other people who love cars.  I can tell the ones that are REALLY special to people... the ones that really get into the story of the car.

Production numbers be damned, almost every car we make a car show board for is an one of one!!

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